What are the 4 most commonly used types of computer?

Classes of computers - Wikipedia

Contents1.1 Microcomputers (personal computers)1.2 Minicomputers (mid-range computers)1.3 Mainframe computers.1.4 Supercomputers.
Source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classes_of_computers

Which is better, Lenovo or Dell?

Dell vs Lenovo: which laptop manufacturer is best? - TechRadar

Dell vs Lenovo: Gaming Yup, Lenovo is the clear winner when it comes to gaming hardware; Dell's lackluster G-series laptops and pricey Alienware-branded hardware just don't compete with Legion, a product line that Lenovo has spent years honing into one of the best gaming laptop brands on the planet.Feb 12, 2023
Source : https://www.techradar.com/versus/dell-vs-lenovo-which-laptop-manufacturer-is-best

Should I destroy my old laptop?

How to Dispose of Your Phones, Laptops, and Desktops | AVG

Like desktops, you could destroy the laptop to ensure the data can't be salvaged (it's harder to just destroy the hard drive with laptops, because all the parts are so close to each other), but that would be a terrible waste: you'd damage other parts that could be used or salvaged.Mar 21, 2019
Source : https://www.avg.com/en/signal/disposing-your-phones-laptops-and-pcs

Is 1.5 TB RAM possible?

How much does 1.5TB of RAM cost? - ZDNET

Motherboards that can take 1.5TB of RAM have 12 RAM slots, and this means that you will need a dozen 128GB DDR4 ECC RAM sticks. As you can imagine this isn't your normal run-of-the-mill RAM that you can just pick up from anywhere. And they're not cheap.Dec 8, 2019
Source : https://www.zdnet.com/article/how-much-does-1-5tb-of-ram-cost/

Is a 10 year old computer worth fixing?

6 Reasons to replace old hardware - Naperville, Aurora, St. Charles

Computers are much the same way. For computers that are fewer than five-years-old, minor repairs may be worth it. However, once a computer is five-years-old or older, the cost and time of repairs are more expensive than investing in a newer, reliable device.Apr 14, 2023
Source : https://www.webitservices.com/blog/reasons-replace-old-hardware/

Is it OK to give a 11 year old a phone?

When should your child get a smartphone and why some ... - 6ABC

Many experts suggest waiting to give your kids a smart phone until they are at least 13 years old or in 8th grade. Try not to give into the peer pressure when your child says everyone else has a phone
Source : https://6abc.com/when-should-you-buy-your-child-a-smartphone-cellphones-and-kids/14064359/